Reading Groups

Groups meet in theĀ 9th floor lounge; please contact the organizers for details.

SHAPE (Social philosophy, History, Aesthetics, Political philosophy or Ethics)

Thursdays from 3:30-5pm
Organizers: Abe, Bennett, and Katie

Rutgers/MIT Reading Group

Fridays from 1-3pm
Organizer: Selina

Metaphysics & Mind

Tuesdays from 1-2:30pm
Organizers: Juan and David


Wednesdays from 4:30-6pm
9th floor lounge
Organizers: Neil and Sam

For MIT graduate students, discusses work in progress, regress.

Epistemology Reading Group

Thursdays from 2-3:30pm
9th floor lounge
Organizers: Jack and Xin Hui

Philosophy of Cognitive Science

Thursdays from 12-1pm
Organizer: Selina, Juan, and Xin Hui

Philosophy of Language & Linguistics

Tuesdays from 1-2:30pm
Organizer: Gareth and Kenneth

GAP (Gender and Philosophy)

Organizer: Prof. Sally Haslanger

Philosophy & Literature

Fridays from 1-2:30pm
Organizer: Abe

Queer Theory + History

First Wednesday of each month from 5-6:00pm
Organizer: Katie