Visitor Program
Please contact Valentina Gaviria if you need help determining the appropriate title for your stay.
Visiting Scholars
Visiting Scholars are established in their field and possesses a Ph.D. or its equivalent. Visiting Scholars are expected to provide their own funding to support their stay. They are not enrolled in a degree program elsewhere.
International Visitors
MIT requires J-1 program start dates to be standardized across the institute. Your start date must be either the 1st or 16th day of the month and the end date to the 15th or 30th/31st of the month.
International visitors must meet current funding levels to demonstrate their ability to cover their personal living expenses including insurance. These are subject to change at any time.
- Single: $35,000
- Plus one dependent: $40,000
- Plus two dependents: $45,000
- Plus three dependents: $50,000
No more than 10% of the total funding can be from personal savings for the primary visitor (i.e. $3500 towards the $35,000 minimum). Additional personal savings may be used to support family members.
Health Insurance
MIT has health insurance requirements for visitors and affiliates and the U.S. Department of State also has requirements for J-1 exchange visitors. Please visit the International Scholars Office for current health insurance requirements for J1 scholars.
Postdoctoral Fellows
The Postdoctoral Fellow title is used for those who join the MIT community soon after receiving their doctorate. Working under the supervision of MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows come to MIT to develop their scholarly competence.
Postdoctoral Fellows receive financial support in the form of a fellowship award or stipend from an established program, typically a foundation or government agency, either directly or distributed through MIT on behalf of the sponsor. Typically, fellows are responsible for applying for a fellowship award. Funds for postdoctoral fellowships are provided from a variety of sources, including private donors, foundations, corporations, and government agencies such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.
Length of stay varies depending on area of interest and individual circumstances. Since the postdoctoral position is not intended to be long-term, MIT limits the postdoctoral period to four years, with promotion to the rank of senior postdoctoral associate possible after three years. Extension for a fifth year or promotion to research scientist requires a dean’s or VPR approval.
Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum salary/stipend for Postdoctoral Fellows is $69,000, followed by an increase to $71,000 on July 1, 2025. The fellowship must cover the entire amount, personal funds cannot be used. This amount may change at any time.
Health Insurance
International fellows must meet the J1 health insurance requirements.
We are committed to equalizing the cost of health insurance between postdoc fellows and postdoc associates (those paid by MIT), so that the premiums paid by fellows are not greater than what they would be paying if they were postdoctoral associates. At the time of the initial appointment, we will conduct an evaluation, factoring in any health insurance coverage provided by your fellowship. When the remaining cost to the fellow would exceed that of a postdoctoral associate, our department will provide the difference between the cost to the individual for fellows versus associates. Please visit the Office of the VPR site for information.
Information about MIT’s Affiliate Health Plan can be found here.
Visiting Students
Visiting Student status is available to qualified students enrolled in a degree program at another university. Normally, such Visiting Students are engaged in their dissertation research or are writing their dissertations.
Visiting Students must be at MIT for at least three weeks and no longer than one year. MIT requires standardized program start and end dates. Appointments should begin on the 1st or 15th of a month and end on the 30th or 31st of a month. If the 1st or 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the visit should start on the next business day (e.g. if the 1st falls on a Saturday, the official visit start date should be the following Monday, on the 3rd.) Visit start dates should coincide with business days.
Funding Requirements for Visiting Students
Since Visiting Students cannot register for classes for credit, no tuition fee is assessed. These amounts are subject to change at any time.
All Visiting Students will be charged a monthly fee of $625. This monthly fee entitles Visiting Students to conduct research, use MIT’s fitness facilities, participate in student life programming at the Institute, and includes the required purchase of the MIT Student Medical Plan (details below under Health Insurance).
This fee will be charged per month regardless of a start date of the 1st or 15th and will be required to be paid in full for the entire appointment prior to arrival.
International Visiting Students
In order to issue a Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (Form DS-2019), international Visiting Students must demonstrate financial support to meet or exceed the following minimum funding requirements for the entire academic appointment. Also, at least 51% of the total funding must come from a source other than personal or family funds.
Estimated Monthly Expense (September 2024-August 2025):
Single Student
Average Living Expense Per Month: $3,400
Student Health Plan Insurance Per Month*: Included in monthly Visiting Student Fee
Visiting Student Fee Per Month: $625
Total Expenses per month: $4,025*
Married Student
Average Living Expense Per Month: $4,183
Student Health Plan Insurance Per Month*: $427
Visiting Student Fee Per Month: $625
Total Expenses per month: $5,235*
* Figures are subject to change without notice
** Additional expense for family with children is estimated $500/m for the 1st child and $292/month for each additional child. For students who have child dependents only, the additional expense per month is estimated at $1,156 for the first child (for living expenses and medical insurance) and $292 for each additional child.
Health Insurance
Visiting Students are automatically enrolled in the MIT Student Medical Plan which is included in the $625 Visiting Student Fee. The MIT Student Health Insurance Plan (MIT SHIP) is a comprehensive health insurance plan that provides coverage for preventive and primary care, emergency services, surgical care, hospitalization, specialist visits, mental health services, and prescription drugs. The MIT SHIP plan is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts with a broad national network. For International Visiting Students, this meets all state and federal requirements for J-1 visa holders. Visiting Students may elect to enroll in additional coverage for dependent(s) and/or partners.
Exceptions may be made for students enrolled at universities and colleges in Massachusetts only (documentation must be provided showing enrollment in the home institution’s health insurance plan).
Please email all insurance related questions to (MIT Health Plan Office).
Visiting Students are not entitled to on-campus housing and, in most cases, should plan to find accommodation off-campus. However, they may apply for any vacancies that exist in the dormitories after the needs of regular students have been met.
Exchange Scholars
The Ivy Plus Exchange Scholar Program facilitates an exchange of study and research for doctoral students enrolled at the following institutions: University of California at Berkeley, Brown University, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Stanford University, and Yale University. More information here.
Before applying, a prospective visitor should make contact with a faculty member who agrees to sponsor the visitor. A list of the faculty and their contact information can be found here.
Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral Fellow applications should be submitted at least 6 months in advance of your anticipated start date.
Visiting Student applications should be submitted at least 6 months in advance of your anticipated start date. N.B. Early Visiting Student applications are more likely to be accepted.
To apply as for a visitor position, you must submit the following information:
1. Statement of Purpose
Please include the exact beginning and end dates of your visit and the faculty member you would like to work with during your stay.
2. CV
3. Writing Sample
4. 2-3 letters of recommendation
Please send the application by email to Valentina Gaviria.