Major in Philosophy
This traditional undergraduate philosophy major (24-1) is designed to provide familiarity with the history and current status of the main problems in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics; mastery of some of the technical skills requisite for advanced work in philosophy; facility at independent philosophical study; and work at an advanced level in an allied field.
Required Subjects
One Introductory Philosophy subject 24.00-24.09*. An appropriate Philosophy Concourse subject may be substituted.
(*may not also satisfy the departmental distribution requirement listed below)
One History of Philosophy subject:
24.01 Classics in Western Philosophy (CI-H)
24.201 Topics in the History of Philosophy (CI-M)
or another subject with a history of philosophy orientation, as determined by the major advisor in consultation with the instructor.
One Knowledge and Reality subject:
24.05 Philosophy of Religion
24.08J Philosophical Issues in Brain Science (CI-H)
24.09 Minds and Machines (CI-H)
24.111 Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
24.211 Theory of Knowledge
24.212 Philosophy of Perception
24.215 Topics in the Philosophy of Science
24.221 Metaphysics (CI-M)
24.251 Introduction to Philosophy of Language (CI-M)
24.253 Philosophy of Mathematics
24.280 Foundations of Probability
One Value subject:
24.013 Philosophy and the Arts (CI-H)
24.02 Moral Problems and the Good Life (CI-H)
24.03 Good Food: The Ethics and Politics of Food (CI-H)
24.04J Justice (CI-H)
24.06J Bioethics (CI-H)
24.07 The Ethics of Climate Change (CI-H)
24.120 Moral Psychology (CI-M)
24.140J Literature and Philosophy
24.222 Decisions, Games and Rational Choice
24.230 Metaethics
24.231 Ethics (CI-M)
24.235J Philosophy of Law (CI-M)
24.236 Topics in Social Theory and Practice
24.237J Feminist Thought (CI-M)
One Logic Subject:
24.118 Paradox and Infinity
24.241 Logic I
24.242 Logic II
24.243 Classical Set Theory
24.244 Modal Logic
24.245 Theory of Models
or a logic subject from another department (e.g., Mathematics) with the approval of the major advisor.
24.260 Topics in Philosophy (CI-M)
Restricted Electives
A coherent program of five additional subjects, of which two must be in philosophy, with the approval of the major advisor.
Notes on Major
- No more than four of the total number of philosophy subjects for the major may be introductory philosophy subjects.
At least three of the total number of philosophy courses must be at the 200-level or above.
To satisfy the requirements that students take two CI-M subjects, students must take one of: 24.120, 24.201, 24.221. 24.231, 24.235, 24.237, or 24.251
All but [2] HASS requirement subjects can be from the department program.
Contact Information:
Tamar Schapiro | Undergraduate Officer & Advisor |
Jennifer Purdy | Undergraduate Administrator |