
Stephen Yablo
David W. Skinner Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus)
Homepage | 32-D936 | 617-258-0740 | yablo@mit.edu
Yablo has been at MIT since 1998, having taught previously at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He works in metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, and the philosophy of mind and language. His papers through 2010 are collected in Thoughts and Things (Oxford University Press). He gave the Hempel Lectures at Princeton in 2008, the Locke Lectures at Oxford in 2012, and the Whitehead Lectures at Harvard in 2016, all on themes connected to subject matter and meaning. His book Aboutness (Princeton) develops a theory of subject matter and applies it to issues in metaphysics, epistemology, semantics, and the philosophy of math and science.