Over the last 2,500 years, philosophy has transformed physics, biology, logic and mathematics, economics, politics, linguistics, psychology, religion, culture, and our understanding of how we should live. You can join that tradition at MIT by simply taking an introductory philosophy course, or by digging deeper with a philosophy concentration, minor, or major. Don’t let your time at MIT go by without some exposure to the discipline that questions our deepest assumptions. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Professor Tamar Schapiro, the Undergraduate Officer and Advisor. And don’t forget about MIT’s undergraduate philosophy club.
This traditional undergraduate philosophy major (24-1) is designed to provide familiarity with the history and current status of the main problems in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics; mastery of some of the technical skills requisite for advanced work in philosophy; facility at independent philosophical study; and work at an advanced level in an allied field.
Program 2, also known as the Program in Language and Mind, aims to provide students with a working knowledge of a variety of issues that currently occupy the intersection of philosophy, linguistics, and cognitive science. Central among these topics are the nature of language, of those mental representations that we call “knowledge” and “belief,” and of the innate basis for the acquisition of certain types of knowledge (especially linguistic knowledge).
Minors at MIT are a great way to dig deeper into a field that you’ve always wanted to explore; or that combines well with and amplifies your major field; or that enables you to develop a creative talent; or gain knowledge and skill in a fascinating field that is important in a different way than your major field.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae massa et augue pharetra facilisis. Ut ac lacinia dolor. Praesent sed leo et dui rhoncus finibus vel pulvinar nisl.