Travel Funding Policy for Philosophy Graduate Students

Philosophy students who are registered for six years in their academic program will receive $6,000 in travel funds. You can be reimbursed for travel costs associated with attending a philosophy conference. When attending a conference where the topic is not philosophy, you can be reimbursed provided the conference is related to your research project. Students may also use up to $1000 of these funds towards a summer school.

Graduate students receive $5,000 of these funds during the first five years of their program. These funds can be used for one trip or several trips. If students do not use their travel money in one year, the unused portion is rolled over to the next. However, the $1,000 for the sixth year will not be available until the student begins their sixth year as a graduate student. Students that choose to be a postdoctoral associate in their sixth year will be allocated the same travel/research allocation as the other postdocs hired from outside of MIT.

The first step to begin using these travel funds is asking the chief COG for approval. This must be done before you travel. The chief COG will approve requests if, and only if, the student is in good standing in the program. If approved, the chief COG will inform the student, Jen, and Matt by email.

Please note: Students may not use these funds for the purchase of equipment.